In addition to the multimodal activity, the LDCT platform provides additional services to customers
Railways services
- LDCT has its own computerized interlocking system
2 train tractors for all types of railway operation
- in/out of railway traffic
Check on ability to carry containers and break tests
Technical visits of engines
- Waybill emission
Storage space for wagons
- Storage space for train tractors
Maintenance pits for train tractors
Light maintenance (brake shoes, coupling hooks,...)
First level maintenance of railroad engine
- EM line setup
Truck services
Container storage and handling areas
Clearing transit permits
Entry/Exit contract - for Storage or Temporary Warehouse-
- basic
- with customs clearing
- Pre an Post Shipment of UTI
- UTI service to comply with requirements
- Rent areas equipped with REEFER plugs
Dangerous materials
Security advisor for dangerous materials
Bringing labelling of dangerous materials into conformity